DRS – pipe deck repair 2

Date: July 2019

Client: Major Operator

Location: Central North Sea


The pipe deck on the client’s asset had suffered extensive corrosion resulting in severe wall loss and through wall defects. This was the third phase of a 22 bay pipe deck repair. 7 bays measuring 3m x 6m required a repair solution totalling 126m2. Multiple through-wall defects and low wall readings were found. 


The bays were grit blasted to a SA2.5 surface profile. For any areas that were through-wall, 6 layers of our DRS Carbon Fibre solution was utilised. This consisted of a 2 layer composite plate – fully cured – bonded directly over the defects followed by a 4 layer wet lay up. For all non through-wall areas, 4 layers were applied. Fully engineered calculations produced by the ICR technical team. 

Results & Benefits
  • The repairs were designed to seal all through wall defects as well as providing an engineered design lifetime of 20 years 
  • The DRS resins provide a rubberised molecule resin which absorbs and dissipates impacts from thoroughfare and use as a landing area 
  • An anti-slip coating was also applied over the completed pipe deck area. Long term corrosion protection 
  • No hot work required 
  • No heavy lifting or steel components